Hi, I’m carol ann,

I am a medium, a psychic, and a Reiki Master. My spiritual journey began before age 3, following the loss of my baby brother Eddie. I started having dreams about what happens when we die. As a young adult, in search of answers, I went to psychics and mediums to find out if there really was an afterlife.

Fast-forward to age 36: I had a stroke. The type of stroke I had leaves a lot of people paralyzed. Many don’t make it through at all. Over and over, people told me that I was “lucky.” My stroke left me with minor complications, one being a fullness in my head.

I felt I was forever changed. I had an overwhelming sense of being connected to God. I knew I had more to do in this life. I felt like I was on a divine mission, but I wasn’t sure what it all meant.

From there, I started learning as much as I could about our connection to spirit and intuition. I read metaphysical books, watched videos, took classes and workshops — everything and anything about healing and the other side.

It wasn’t long before other people’s loved ones in spirit started coming to me while in meditation. That left me in awe. In learning to connect to the other side, I was learning the language of Spirit. I was trying to sort out precisely what was going on with me.

I then lost my older brother, PJ. PJ and I shared the last year of his life on a spiritual journey together. We were a team. With PJ’s passing, I was catapulted into “full speed.” I was determined to have a connection with my two brothers, no matter what. That prompted me to become a Reiki Master, with the hope of having more experiences with my brothers. As time went on, I started connecting with loved ones for other people.

My heart and soul lies in helping people see that our loved ones are with us. They truly are. From being a doubting Thomas at the start of my journey to now having my own first-hand experience, I became a believer. We all have our own divine mission, and mine is to help people connect with your loved ones in spirit, and for you to see the beauty of your soul.